Let the feeling lead you this summer!

Lotta Brangefält

Soon the well-deserved holiday is coming up - a time when all the requirements and the need for achievement can rest, no fixed schedules, no tight deadlines and not constantly new goals to fulfill. A time to really take care of yourself and your body, a time for replenishment and a time for new experiences. Wherever you will spend your holiday, a pair of running shoes can always be included in the packing.

Let yourself be inspired by the knowledge that running stimulates new formation of new brain cells, which makes our brain work better and does not age at the same rate as in the absence of training. The great thing about running and holidays is that if the running is done on new beautiful places, this enriched environment (EE) will significantly increase the chances of the newly formed brain cells surviving. In other words, it is the new environment that we are moving in that causes the newly formed brain cells to develop into fully functioning cells in our brain. So our brains need environmental change in combination with running, in order to get the best way back to work after the holiday with "new quick-thinking brain cells".

 Beautiful places are everywhere - look up some nice spots this summer and do it with the running shoes on-Then you enrich both your body and your brain in the best way. Experience new places with the running shoes on - If you come to a suitable spot while experience new places with your running shoes on -Take the chance to run a little barefoot. Our feet really need some barefoot running, as all our little muscles in the foot gets to work out which strengthen your running technique.

Determine no distance, decide no time and no mileage time-let just the new environment and experience steer you-Take care of every such moment! We wish you a fantastic running experience this summer in very enriched environments.

Sunny greetings The Racefox team


Article of reference: Running is the neurogenic and neurotrophic stimulus in environmental enrichment. T, Kobilo et al, Intern med, 2011.